Jul 21st 2023

How Does Indoor Air Pollution Affect Your Health?

When you think of air pollution, what comes to mind? Do you picture heavy clouds of smog sitting over a busy city? Do you see smoke billowing into the sky from a forest fire? Does the hole in the ozone layer come to mind? While all of these are problems when it comes to air pollution outside,  indoor air pollution can also be a problem. You may not even think of the quality of air inside your home, school, or workplace as something that might affect your health. However, there are many pollutants that may be present.

What Are Indoor Air Pollutants?

If you suffer from allergies, you already know that things like mold and pollen can make air hard to breathe. Tobacco smoke, even second-hand, causes many different health problems. You might think household cleaners are safe to use, but sprays and pesticides can be harmful as well. Many of these pollutants are fairly easy to control, but you may be unaware of other pollutants in your space. Gases such as radon and carbon monoxide need detectors to avoid problems. Your home may even be constructed of materials like asbestos, formaldehyde, and lead. Since these pollutants are so common, it’s important to know the affect they may have on your well-being.

The Connection Between Indoor Air Pollutants & Our Health

Most indoor air pollutants only cause discomfort. Your body may react to them with symptoms similar to the common cold, with sneezes, coughing and a runny nose. Snoring is more common in homes with high indoor pollution. Most people feel better as soon as they remove pollutants from their environment. However, some pollutants can cause diseases that show up much later, such as respiratory diseases or cancer. Sometimes, a building’s air may be so polluted that it causes the group of people inside to suffer the same symptoms. This is known as “Sick-Building Syndrome.”

How to Eliminate Indoor Air Pollutants in Our Home

Think about all the odors that should be outside, but aren’t. Where did the pollutants go from the past? Odors and pollutants, like those from volcanic eruptions, building collapses, earthquakes, or decaying animals in the wild, didn’t just disappear. Our earth can’t afford for those pollutants to collect over the 4.54 billion years it has been in existence. Mother Nature needed a continual process for keeping the outdoor air organic and fresh.

Use Organic Air Technology from AirRestore to Restore Indoor Air

AirRestore uses Organic Air Technology to replicate Mother Nature’s own process of keeping the outdoor air fresh. The sun and wind naturally provide the energizing elements to the air. These elements actively attach to and break down pollutants in the air by altering the airborne pollutants, which helps restore the air to a much cleaner state. Organic Air Technology produces the same energized elements and disperses them throughout a room to proactively attach to and break down the pollutants. Germs, bacteria, viruses, mold, and odors are neutralized by altering the pollutants, thereby reducing the pollutants in the air. 

While indoor air pollution is a problem many of us deal with in our day to day lives, we can take steps to get rid of these pollutants. By making the air in our homes cleaner, we can live healthier, happier lives.


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