Jan 3rd 2024

Common Allergy Symptoms Related to Cats & Dogs

Cats and dogs can be amazing companions, but they can also trigger allergy symptoms. Pet allergies are common, especially allergies to pets that have fur, like dogs and cats. Allergy symptoms can be mild, but they can also become worse over time, especially when allergies aren't properly managed. It's important to learn to recognize signs of allergies and find ways to keep symptoms under control.

What Are Common Allergy Symptoms Related to Dogs & Cats?

When a person inhales some sort of allergen, like pet dander, it can cause the inside of their nose to become inflamed. This can lead to symptoms like a runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, sneezing, and nasal congestion. Other common symptoms experienced by people with cat or dog allergies include an itchy nose, facial pressure, or a post-nasal drip.

For people with asthma, exposure to allergens can also make it difficult to breathe, which can lead to pain and tightness in the chest. Pet allergies can also trigger allergic dermatitis, causing hives or itchy skin. While people usually start to notice signs of allergies in childhood, symptoms may not appear until later in life.

What Causes Pet Allergies?

Allergy symptoms occur when your immune system reacts to a substance as if it were a threat. When you're exposed to the substance, your immune system produces antibodies, which can cause your nasal passages, lungs, or skin to become inflamed. For some people, allergy symptoms gradually improve, but for others, their symptoms and sensitivity to allergens can actually become worse as time goes on.

Someone that's allergic to cats or dogs could have a reaction to a pet's saliva, urine, or the dead skin cells that they shed, which are sometimes called dander. Dander is small and can stay in the air for a long time, which can increase a person's exposure to the allergen. It can also cling to clothing and upholstered furniture.

If someone is developing an allergic reaction to pets, they may show allergy symptoms whenever they're around the pet. Even if a person doesn't come into direct contact with the animal, they can show symptoms if they're exposed to the allergen in some way. Allergies can be mild at first, but over time, they can weaken the immune system and damage a person's health.

What's the Difference Between Major and Minor Allergic Reactions?

When a person has a mild allergic reaction, symptoms are limited and typically impact a specific part of the body. Someone with mild allergies might experience a single symptom, such as watery eyes, a runny nose, or a wash. If those symptoms spread to another part of the body, it's considered to be a moderate allergy.

Major allergic reactions are dangerous and have the potential to be life-threatening. If the body is hypersensitive to the allergen, it could trigger anaphylaxis, which is an allergic reaction that affects the entire body. Symptoms of anaphylaxis may include eye and facial swelling, difficulty breathing, hives, abdominal pain, and body. It's a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention.

How Can You Keep Minor Allergies from Becoming Major?

You don't have to give up your pet if you've started to show allergy symptoms, but you should take precautions that will help you limit your exposure to the allergen. Bathing your pet regularly can help to keep it from shedding and spreading allergens across your home. Keep certain rooms, like your bedroom, pet-free so that you won't be exposed to allergens all the time.

Some types of cats and dogs are considered to be hypoallergenic, which means they're unlikely to cause allergic reactions even if a person is sensitive to pet dander. Hypoallergenic cat breeds include Javanese, Siberian, and Balinese cats, while hypoallergenic dog breeds include the Bichon Frise, Maltese, and Labradoodles.

If you already have a pet, you can also reduce the number of airborne allergens in your home by investing in an air purifier for pets. The right air purifier can remove small dander particles in the air around you, allowing you to breathe clean, allergen-free air. As long as you work to control your symptoms and limit your exposure to these allergens, you should be able to keep your minor allergy symptoms in check.

Air Purifiers Can Help Remove Pet Allergens

AirRestore is pet owners' go-to air purifier for pets and their allergies since they can both create a thriving environment for your furry friends as well as clean the air of allergens, pet odors, and other things affecting the air quality. It's powered by the sun and is self-cleaning, which means you won't have to worry about changing out the filters.

Shop AirRestore's air purifiers for pets and pet allergen remover now, available at an affordable price for anyone to improve their home air quality.


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