About Us
offers an all-new Organic-Energy technology designed to improve the quality of indoor environments for overall health benefits for body and mind.
AirRestore is a nationwide business that helps people live healthier lives through innovative technology. Our products are the result of decades of research and development, offering a breakthrough technology that truly replicates the energetic environmental restoration process happening outdoors. Organic Energy is essential for the health of our minds, bodies, and environments. Improving our environments improves our health. Improving our health improves our lives. We cannot think of a better legacy to leave than that. GLOBAL AIR POLLUTION The founder of AirRestore worked with the United States government to improve the air quality of the Pentagon after the 9/11 Tragedy. Converse assisted the Australian government with the air pollution issues of Sydney’s city tunnels. After Desert Storm he traveled to Kuwait to help fight pollution from the burning oil fields. Isn’t this the experience you want working on the health of your indoor environments?
We cannot think of a better legacy to leave than that.

William Converse
William Converse is proud to have over three decades of experience within the air purification industry, spending every moment focusing on making a real difference for the lives of others. Bill’s drive and intellect could have led him anywhere, and he chose to direct it to improving the health and lives of the world around him.
In the 1980s, Converse began working on the development of a product that could genuinely remove contaminants from the air. During late nights of research and development, his wife would often keep him company in his lab. Soon, she noticed a great relief from her headaches when in the presence of his new technology. The joy of relieving such a common troublesome ailment was incredible inspiration for Converse and the team who supported him.
The collection of product lines grew and Converse quickly became a pioneer for non-filter air-cleaning technology. As a sought-after consultant in the air quality industry, Converse served on the board of Indoor Quality, has been a guest on numerous television and radio programs, and testified at a Congressional hearing on air-quality issues. Invited to speak at several university-sponsored indoor-quality conferences, he has shared his knowledge at an air-quality symposium of advanced oxidation techniques at the University of Beijing, Canada, Japan, Mexico and more.
After retiring, Converse just couldn’t turn off his drive to make a difference and returned to business with the creation of Organic Air Technology, launching AirRestore, Inc. in 2013.
The founder of AirRestore worked with the United States government to improve the air quality of the Pentagon after the 9/11 Tragedy.
Converse assisted the Australian government with the air pollution issues of Sydney’s city tunnels. After Desert Storm he traveled to Kuwait to help fight pollution from the burning oil fields.Isn’t this the experience you want working on the health of your indoor environments?